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How to use Mathjax in Hugo
Hugo is the static site generator that this site is built with. This is how to enable Mathjax in Hugo so you can write LaTeX in your pages, as I’ve used e.g. in On the Economics of Streaming: Show me the money
Put this in the page source somewhere. I put it in layouts/partials/head-additions.html, but perhaps that is specific to the ananke theme:
<script src=""></script> <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script> Now you can put this on your page and have it rendered like you’d expect:
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On the Economics of Streaming: Show me the money
I’ve never spent as much money on music or TV and movies as I do now by paying my Spotify and Netflix subscriptions. But still artists apparently aren’t getting any money for their art. How can this be? Where is the money going?
Below I’ve done a back-of-the-napkin calculation. If all the premium money went to artists we should be listening 45.5 hours/month, but on average, we actually listen 25 hours/month.
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Data Visualization: It Matters How we Show Graphs
Should we show graphs using horizontal lines like this:
Or using “slanted” lines like this? :
Notice that these two graphs actually are showing the same data, just differently.
I’ll argue that it does matter which way we show graphs, and that the correct graphical representation depends on the data the graph is showing.
First, keep in mind that the graph shows values for points in time. E.g. in both graphs, the value at 5:40 was measured to be approx 750,000.
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